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Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Our Aim

Our aim at City Road Primary School is to ensure that all children are happy and safe in their school environment, which helps them to become successful learners. City Road Primary School is a nurturing and inclusive school that endeavours to support all children's diverse needs.  

At City Road Primary School, we continually monitor the achievement and attainment of our pupils. We identify children who may have a special educational need and ensure that additional support is put in place to ensure they can achieve their full potential. Parents and pupils are involved and kept informed at every stage. We offer an open-door policy.  If you are concerned about your child, please contact the school SENDCO: Ms G Luna.


If you would like to contact the SENDCO, please phone the school office or message via email to arrange a time to speak over the phone or meet in person. 

Phone number: 01214643348



How can parents/guardians find the Birmingham Local Authority’s local offer?

Visit the Birmingham City Council Website for further SEND advice and information about the SEND provision in the city :

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What SEND provision looks like at City Road Primary School


Overview of The Graduated Approach at City Road Primary School


At City Road Primary School we work with a range of specialist services that advise the SENDCO.


How are parents involved? 


Our school has an open-door policy for parents, ensuring we are always approachable, so parents feel involved in the education of their child.  

In addition, our school aims to regularly involve parents in the education of their children through a variety of different ways, including: 


  • Regular meetings with the class teacher and support staff 

  • Meetings with SENDCo 

  • Target setting so parents can see what their child is working on next 

  • Home/school books to inform parents of important information 

  • Regular newsletters to share upcoming events in school 

  • Home reading logs 

  • Information on the school website 

  • Parents’ evenings 

  • Class and group workshops 

  • Signposting to parent groups 

  • Parents’ involvement in Individual Education Plans, SEN Support Plans, Education, Health Care Plans, and Annual Review documents 



The SEND provision at City Road Primary School is valued by parents!

At City Road Primary School we ensure that children have their voice heard!


The Four Areas of Need (SEND)

Useful Website Links 


Please follow the link below to access support and information to support your children: 


Sensory and Physical: 

download.cfm ( 

download.cfm ( 


Communication and Interaction: 

Communication & Autism Team – Access to Education ( 

What is autism 

Online Resources | Autism West Midlands 

Information about autism | Ambitious about Autism 

Speech and Language Therapy | Website ( 


Cognition and Learning: 

My child's education - British Dyslexia Association ( 

Cognition and Learning | Whole School SEND 

The Dyscalculia Information Centre - Resources for parents 


Social, Emotional and Mental Health: 

Mental health services - NHS ( 

Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS ( 

Pause Birmingham | The Children's Society ( 

Home | Forward Thinking Birmingham 

How it Works | The Zones of Regulation 


SEN information report

The SEN information report is attached below.

The Accessibility Plan

The accessibility plan is also attached below. This sets out how we will:

  • increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum
  • improve the physical environment of the school for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the school
  • improve the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled
The SEND Code of Practice

The SEND Code of Practice is attached below.

Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy

The Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy is attached below.